Event List of Solar Radio Bursts observed by Chashan Solar radio Observatory (CSO) of Institute of Space Sciences, Shandong University

Date Type Data Link (JPG) Data Link (FITS) Remarks
20230901     I,IV? JPG file FITS file strong interference
20230902     III JPG file FITS file weak event(III),not clear, strong interference
20230903     III JPG file FITS file strong interference
20230904     III JPG file FITS file weak event(III), strong interference
20230905     III JPG file FITS file classical
20230906     III JPG file FITS file weak event
20230907     III JPG file FITS file weak event(III), strong interference
20230908     III JPG file FITS file not clear, strong interference
20230909     I,III JPG file FITS file weak event(I),mixing event, strong interference
20230910     I,III JPG file FITS file weak events
20230911     III JPG file FITS file weak events
20230912     I JPG file FITS file weak event
20230913     I,III JPG file FITS file weak events
20230914     I,III JPG file FITS file classical, strong interference
20230915     I,III JPG file FITS file classical, strong event(III)
20230916     I,III JPG file FITS file weak event
20230917     III JPG file FITS file weak event
20230918     I,III JPG file FITS file weak events, strong interference
20230919     I,III JPG file FITS file classical, strong interference
20230920     I,III,IV JPG file FITS file classical, whole day,strong event(III)
20230921     I,III JPG file FITS file classical, whole day
20230922     I,III,IV? JPG file FITS file classical, whole day,strong event
20230923     I,III JPG file FITS file classical, whole day,strong event
20230924     I,III JPG file FITS file classical, whole day
20230925     I,III JPG file FITS file classical, whole day
20230926     III JPG file FITS file classical
20230927     III JPG file FITS file classical
20230928                JPG file FITS file strong event,strong interference
20230929     I, JPG file FITS file whole day,not clear,strong interference,mixing event(I)
20230930     I,III JPG file FITS file classical,strong events, mixing event(I)
20231001     I,III JPG file FITS file weak event(I),classical,strong event(III)
20231002     I,III JPG file FITS file strong event(I), mixing event(III)
20231003     I,III JPG file FITS file classical
20231004     III JPG file FITS file weak event, strong interference
20231005     III JPG file FITS file strong event, strong interference
20231006     III JPG file FITS file classical, strong interference
20231007     I,III JPG file FITS file weak events, strong interference
20231008     I,III JPG file FITS file strong events(III), strong interference
20231009     III JPG file FITS file weak events(III), strong interference
20231010     I JPG file FITS file weak events(I), strong interference
20231011     I,III JPG file FITS file weak events(I), strong events(III)
20231012     I,III JPG file FITS file classical
20231013     I JPG file FITS file weak events(I)
20231014     I,III JPG file FITS file weak events(I,III), strong interference
20231015     I,III JPG file FITS file weak events(I,III), strong interference
20231016     III JPG file FITS file weak event(III), strong interference
20231017     II,III JPG file FITS file weak events, strong interference
20231018     III JPG file FITS file weak event(III), strong interference
20231019     III JPG file FITS file weak event(III), strong interference
20231020     III JPG file FITS file weak event(III), strong interference
20231021      JPG file FITS file strong interference
20231022      III JPG file FITS file weak event(III)
20231023      JPG file FITS file
20231024      JPG file FITS file strong interference
20231025      JPG file FITS file strong interference
20231026      III JPG file FITS file strong interference
20231027      JPG file FITS file strong interference
20231028      III JPG file FITS file weak event(III), strong interference
20231029      III JPG file FITS file weak event(III), strong interference
20231030      III JPG file FITS file strong interference
20231031      III JPG file FITS file strong interference
20231101      III JPG file FITS file strong interference
20231102      III JPG file FITS file strong interference
20231103      III JPG file FITS file strong interference
20231104     I, III JPG file FITS file weak events, strong interference
20231105     I, III II? JPG file FITS file weak events, strong interference
20231106     I, III JPG file FITS file weak events, strong interference
20231107     I, III JPG file FITS file weak event(III), strong interference
20231108     I, III JPG file FITS file weak events
20231109     I, III JPG file FITS file weak events
20231110     I, III JPG file FITS file classical,mixing events (I, III)
20231111     I, III JPG file FITS file classical
20231112     I, III JPG file FITS file classical
20231113     I, III JPG file FITS file classical
20231114     I, III JPG file FITS file classical, strong events(III)
20231115     I, III JPG file FITS file weak events(III)
20231116     I, III JPG file FITS file classical
20231117     I, III JPG file FITS file weak events(I)
20231118      III JPG file FITS file weak events(III), strong interference
20231119      III JPG file FITS file weak events(III)
20231120      III JPG file FITS file weak events(III), strong interference
20231121      III JPG file FITS file weak events(III), strong interference,not clear type
20231122      III JPG file FITS file weak event(III), strong interference
20231123      III, I? JPG file FITS file weak events(III), strong interference
20231124      III JPG file FITS file classical
20231125      I, III JPG file FITS file classical, weak events(I)
20231126      I, III JPG file FITS file classical
20231127      I, III JPG file FITS file classical, whole day(I), mixing events (I, III)
20231128      I, III JPG file FITS file classical, whole day(I), mixing events (I, III)
20231129      I, III JPG file FITS file classical, whole day(I), strong events(I), mixing events (I, III)
20231130      I, III JPG file FITS file mixing events (I, III)
20231201      I, III JPG file FITS file mixing events (I, III)
20231202      III JPG file FITS file classical
20231203     I, III JPG file FITS file weak events(I,III)
20231204     I, III JPG file FITS file weak events(I)
20231205     III JPG file FITS file classical
20231206     III JPG file FITS file classical
20231207     I,III JPG file FITS file weak events(I)
20231208     I,III JPG file FITS file weak events(I,III), strong interference
20231209     I,III JPG file FITS file weak events(I)
20231210     I,III JPG file FITS file weak events(I,III)
20231211     III JPG file FITS file classical
20231212      I,III JPG file FITS file whole day(I)
20231213      I JPG file FITS file whole day(I)
20231214      I, III JPG file FITS file whole day(I),mixing events (I, III)
20231215      I, III, IV? JPG file FITS file weak events(I)
20231216      I JPG file FITS file whole day(I)
20231217      I,III JPG file FITS file weak events(I,III)
20231218      I, III, II JPG file FITS file whole day(I)
20231219      I, III JPG file FITS file whole day(I),weak event(III)
20231220      I, III JPG file FITS file whole day(I),weak event(III)
20231221      I, III, IV? JPG file FITS file whole day(I), strong events(III)
20231222      I, III JPG file FITS file whole day(I), mixing event(I,III)
20231223      I, III JPG file FITS file whole day(I), mixing event(I,III)
20231224      I, III JPG file FITS file whole day(I)
20231225      I, III JPG file FITS file whole day(I)
20231226      I, III JPG file FITS file whole day(I), mixing event(I,III)
20231227      I, III JPG file FITS file whole day(I)
20231228      I, III JPG file FITS file whole day(I)
20231229      I, III JPG file FITS file
20231230      I, III JPG file FITS file weak events(I, III)
20231231      I, III JPG file FITS file weak events(I)


For questions or suggestions, please contact Dr. Bing Wang wbing@sdu.edu.cn